Most spiders we encounter in New Zealand may look scary but are in fact harmless. Usually they remain hidden and inactive in cracks and crevices during the day. Most are nocturnal and will scurry away when they are disturbed. There are 3 spiders that should be avoided in New Zealand, these are: Katipo, Red Back and White-tailed.

Two of the above mentioned spiders can inflict a venomous bite, the katipo and the red back spider. White-tailed spiders will bite if provoked. Even though their bites are not considered poisonous to humans, a reaction can occur in some people including swelling, redness, itchiness and a burning feeling at the bit site.
The katipo spider lives in coastal areas among grass and driftwood. The red back is from Australia and here in New Zealand can be found inside or outside of a home. These two spiders will spin webs, whereas the white-tailed does not. The white-tailed is more common and is often found in walls, ceilings and under appliances in residential homes.
- Always wear footwear when walking along coastal areas, particularly grassy areas and sand dunes.
- If you are bitten, try to take a photo or capture the spider carefully for identification purposes.
- Keep the National Poisons Centre contact number close by: 0800 764 766
We will inspect and implement a guaranteed spider control program to protect your building and advise how to reduce problems in the future.